OpenEye Profile: Kathie Drake

OpenEye Profile: Kathie Drake

In honor of International Women's Day ...

We are recognizing the skilled women who help develop our products and provide heroic customer service. Meet Kathie Drake, Senior Software Engineer.


B.S. in computer science, Eastern Washington University

What is your primary job function?

I am the project lead for Command Station, OpenEye’s thick client. I’ve been here since 2013, when we wrote the first line of code for it. That’s my baby.

What drew you to computer science?

It was a complete mistake. I was a stay-at-home mom, and I started taking classes because I wanted to do something when they went to school. I started pursuing engineering, but when I took my first computer class, that was it. I just found my niche.

What do you like most about your job?

I love the problem solving. I like doing a good job. As OpenEye is growing, we’re expanding our customer base and getting better use cases. Salespeople might say, “If we had this feature, we could sell to these businesses.” It brings our development team really great ideas we didn’t think of. Object search, for example, was a cross-team effort. … It’s really exciting.

What would you say to other women thinking of pursuing a career in computer science?

Women shouldn’t be afraid to try it. I think sometimes we’re afraid to push ourselves or to put ourselves out there. Don’t let people tell you that you can’t. You might find out you really have the knack for it. When someone tells you no, push harder. “Oh, you think I can’t do this? Watch me.”

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