The 15 Most Commonly Used Passwords That You Shouldn't Use

The 15 Most Commonly Used Passwords That You Shouldn't Use

Despite the constant warnings and recommendations that we should use strong passwords, millions of people still use the default password or a simple password to protect their online accounts. EarthWeb, a technology and business publication, released a list of the most used passwords in 2023 (i.e. the most easily hacked passwords and the worst passwords that you could use). The good news is that "password" still no longer makes the top two! Bad news though, it's still in the top 10 most commonly used passwords (along with a few predictable variations).

Here are the fifteen most common passwords used in 2023:

  1. 123456
  2. 123456789
  3. admin
  4. Qwerty
  5. welcome
  6. Password
  7. Password1
  8. P@ssw0rd
  9. 12345
  10. Qwerty123
  11. 1q2w3e
  12. 12345678
  13. 111111
  14. 1234567890
  15. Q2w3e4r5t

Using a basic, easy to guess, password like one from this list makes your account more susceptible to hacking and weakens the security of your network. Make sure to use a strong password and enable Multifactor Authentication (MFA)  whenever it is available. MFA enabled on the accounts used for your business can protect you if one of your employees fails to set a strong password and instead uses one that made the list of most used passwords.

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OpenEye Web Services (OWS) gives you a better return on your video security investment by reducing your risk. OWS employs the latest in cybersecurity practices like multifactor authentication, no open inbound ports, fully encrypted communication, and centralized user credentialing to safeguard your network protect your data.

Admin is a common default password that ships on internet connected devices and web-based applications. Often users neglect to change the default password when setting up their device and admin makes this list at #3. To ensure that OpenEye devices use unique passwords, all OpenEye cameras and recorders automatically assign or require users to create a new password during initial setup.

Learn more about OpenEye's commitment to  cybersecurity and data protection to see how we make your network more secure while lessening the burden on IT and operations. And make sure to use MFA to protect your accounts even when one of your employees decides to use one of 2023's top 15 most used passwords.

originally published Apr 18, 2019