Video Verification Makes Alarms
More Actionable

OpenEye video systems can provide valuable intelligence to help you run your business more efficiently. Receive alerts with video verification on events generated by your alarm panel, sensors installed in key areas, or video analytics.

Fire and security alarms

Fire and security alarms

Door propped open

Door propped open

Failed to arm alarm

Failed to arm alarm

Safe door open

Safe door open

Cooler door left open

Cooler door left open

Video Verification with the OWS Cloud Player

The OWS Cloud Player enables users to simultaneously search events across recorders and locations and switch between live and recorded video. Video verification of events gives the complete picture of what is happening, so you can better determine what is a real concern, a false alarm, or a teachable moment for an employee.

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Alarm Panel Integration

Alarm Panel Integration

OWS integrates with your alarm panel to notify users when the system is late to arm, is disarmed during non-business hours, or an emergency exit opens.

Professional or Self Monitoring

Professional or Self Monitoring

OWS can send data and video to you or your alarm monitoring provider and allows video verification of incidents on a PC or mobile device such a phone or tablet.

Match Names with Faces

Gain more actionable intelligence using user information added to access and intrusion alerts in OWS. It's faster and easier to locate and take action on specific user activity because alert notifications clearly display user names or IDs so you can see who armed the alarm panel or accessed a door.

Learn more about integrating a DMP intrusion alarm panel

Get more from your
security investment

OpenEye Web Services is a scalable and secure video surveillance solution that simplifies operations and management by moving these functions to the cloud. Combining the performance and reliability of local recording with the convenience and flexibility of the cloud, OWS produces a greater return on your investment, saves you time, and provides an easier, more secure surveillance solution.

Learn more about OpenEye Web Services

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