Business Intelligence

Gain new insight into your business’s operations with Alerts and Reports in OpenEye Web Services. Keep your business safe and secure with real-time alerts and notifications with video verification to improve response time and identify inefficiencies. Improve customer service, identify areas that employees need additional training, and prevent downtime with reports on all of your systems available through the cloud.



OpenEye Web Services Alerts allow you to create alerts based on a broad range of events generated by your recorder or collected from third-party devices such as alarm panels or external sensors. Alerts are fully customizable with unique filters including duration or frequency and can be scheduled based on hours of operation or days of the week.



Reports in OpenEye Web Services provide information about the health of your video surveillance system, camera position, open/close reports, and custom thumbnail reports to check on important areas. Reports can be used to discover which recorders need attention before they stop recording, cutting down on downtime and missing video or a thumbnail report can give you valuable business intelligence.

Real-Time Alert Notifications

Receive real-time alert notifications by email or push notifications from OWS for event and health alerts. View event data and thumbnail previews of the alerts with a link to view the associated video. Visually verify incidents so appropriate action can be taken.

  • Late to open
  • Door forced
  • Person detected
  • Line crossed
  • Queue length exceeded
  • Camera not recording
  • Recorder not reporting
  • Hard Drive error
  • Storage retention exceeded

System Summary Report

Get details on all of your systems in a single report that includes a recorder list, recorder details and an overview of the location, usage and connected devices all in one place. Drill down to see specifics on user activity, health alerts, storage retention, clip exports and many other things. OpenEye video systems can provide valuable real-time or retrospective intelligence to help you run your business more efficiently.

Better Business Insights from Your Video

Leverage OpenEye video to detect, monitor, and analyze business functions with an analytical suite designed to improve operational efficiency. Streamline operations, improve customer service, and reduce liabilities through AI-powered technology.

Discover Operational Analytics
Customer count in Operational Analytics from OWS

Operational Audits

Create thumbnail image reports to gain valuable insight into customer readiness, location cleanliness, meeting attendance, or policy compliance. Reports can be generated for one camera or dozens spanning multiple sites. Thumbnails can be collected at set intervals or at specific times throughout the day or week.

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Event Alert Notifications in Command Station

Make active monitoring more efficient by enabling client notifications. Just like push notifications on your mobile phone, OWS sends real-time event notifications to Command Station as they happen.

Users can click the flashing icon to open Alert Notifications for more details and a link to open the live view or playback video for visual verification. Alert Details are synced with OWS and contain brief details of the event with space to make notes before closing the event.

Command Station Live Notification Monitor

Learn more about integrating your intrusion alarm panel with OWS

Hardware Inventory Report

Quickly see details for your recorders and camera settings to identify potential anomalies, out of date software or improperly configured systems and cameras, saving time and money on security and policy compliance audits.

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